The Chocolate Cichlid. Peruvian or Brazilian – which to pick?

The Brazilian species originates from Rio Negro and Rio Orinoco.

Adult Hypselecara coryphaenoides, “Chocolate Cichlid”.
Adult Hypselecara coryphaenoides, “Chocolate Cichlid”.
A youngster Hypselecara coryphaenoides, “Chocolate Cichlid”.

A Hypselecara coryphaenoides can reach a maximum length of 20 cm or 8 inches.

The minimum requirement of this species is 120 cm / 4 feet long aquarium and 300 lites / 75 gallons at least.

The Peruvian species originates from Rio Ucayali and Rio Amazonas in Peru. But it’s been found all the way to Colombia and on trough regions of Cametá and Amapá rivers all the way to Brazil even.

Adult Hypselecara temporalis.
Adult H. temporalis in a chocolate like colour.
Adult H. temporalis, also know as “Emerald Cichlid” which you tell why, by this picture.
A youngster Hypselecara temporalis.

A Hypselecara temporalis can reach a maximum length of 30 cm or 12 inches.

The minimum requirement of this species is 150 cm / 5 feet long aquarium and 375 lites / 100 gallons at least.

So the thing you need to ask yourself is, “what can I afford and how much space do I have, for an aquarium in my home”?

The answer to these questions, will determine which species to pick, for your aquarim.


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