What bridge stops evolution and why has the missing “piece” never been found?

Why is there such a bridge between the different areas with demineralisation and temperaments of a group of fish? Or any other species?

Off course, there are South American cichlids that have a heavy temperament or aggression, like the Central American cichlids. But mostly, it’s the Central American cichlids that’s known to be more on the aggressive side. Why is that?

This is a aquarium fish blog so I have to keep it about the fish in this matter as well. And so I will.

Let’s look in to why the bridge is that far in between shall we.

First of all, what environment do these fish swim in? Who are their co-existing species?

As all species, fish evolve and adapt to their environment. If the fish lives around predators such as, otters, piranhas, or crocodiles or other fish hunting predators, they need to be tough.

The will get more hostile against other species because they don’t trust other species. The will learn to swim fast, jump high above the water level. They will get more testosterone therefore gets more aggressive by time. The will get stronger and larger and get better camouflage in order to blend in to their environment. All these things matter! But it won’t happen over night. These things take a very very very long time to develop.

But why are not all cichlids aggressive in these waters of Central America? There some that is as docile as a Blue Acara or a Discus species like the Amatitlania sajica from Costa Rica. Why is that?

Well, not everyone can hold there own against the aggression from say, Parachromis, Maskoheros or Vieja species for example, because of one thing that is stopping thisfrom happening.

And that is, genetics. Or simply, DNA.

Genetics disable many species from getting that different then what they where from the beginning. Mainly is because of their size. I mean, a cardinal tetra or a green neon tetra wouldn’t be considered an aggressive fish to keep because of their small size. They don’t do much damage to other fish in the aquarium.

But tetras are carps and cousins to the piranhas. They have sharp teeth and could do damage to other species, if it only was a bit larger in size.

Then we have the matter of colourations. Colour is a main difference in the wild. It can be the difference of being eaten or not. Colour can act as a warning signal to other species. “Do not eat me or I will kill you”. It can also work as a diffuser of sorts. It can trick a predator to believing it attacks the head of another fish they prey upon, when it intact, attacks the tail of that fish. This makes it almost impossible to catch, if the predatory fish it self isn’t a remarkably agile and a fast swimmer.

So let’s go over the bridges a species have to adapt in order to evolve again.

First: very very very long term of evolving period or adapting it’s environment.

Second: What conditions dose the species live under. What other species lives there and are there many predators to a scape from. And from that develop skills in order to adapt these situations.

Third: Colouration. What kind of colour should the fish adapt to depending what the environment it swims in.

Fourth: DNA, genetics, what the fish has to work with from its ancestors which one big factor is the size. This bridge is where the evolvement or ability to adapt makes a full stop.

Some call this “evolution”.

I call it “evolvement” or “adapting” to its environment for a long period of time.

If it would be an “evolution”, all fish species would get more aggressive to be able to hold there own, more colourful to scare of predators and much larger over time. But this doesn’t happen! You don’t see a monkey or ape give birth to a new homo-sapient species or a human giving birth to a complete and unfailingly super human that will fix everything the humanity has done wrong until know.


DNA. The genetics of their ancestors keeps them as they’ve been for thousand and thousands of years ago. Some would say, millions of years even.

That’s the same case with us humans. We have our DNA from our ancestors. And if dose are Adam and Eve or whatever, neither we or any other living creature will evolve much more then we already have. There are no more bridges to cross. And their is no lost missing piece.

If there is, it would be a miracle! And it would already have been found.

Genesis 2:5–7, 2:15–4:1, 4:25), God, or Yahweh, created Adam at a time when the earth was still void, forming him from the earth’s dust and breathing “into his nostrils the breath of life.”

What ever You believe, is entirely up to You.

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