The Red Texas Cichlid grade AAA – How to Make it!

If you want to breed the Texas Red you need to know a few things.

Red Texas cichlid.

First of all it’s a hybrid fish. That means that it’s not a pure species. It is a mix of three different species of fish. Normally a hybrid cichlid is made out of two species. But this one has three!

With hybrids it’s also a matter of health issues. The don’t live as long as a pure species fish and the are prone to diseases as well. It a factor to consider when breeding hybrids. The factor that fallows is then, if it is ethical to breed hybrids if it means that the don’t live as long and can more easily get health problems?

What are the species involved in this hybrid, Red Texas cichlid?

One species is the obvious, Herichthys cyanoguttatus, known as the Texas cichlid.

Herichthys cyanoguttatus, the Texas cichlid.

The other species is the Blood Red Parrot cichlid which is another sort of hybrid fish made out of two other species namely, Amphilophus citrinellu x Vieja melanurus.

Picture of a white Parrot cichlid. Parrot cichlids doesn’t exist in the wild.

Now we’ve covered the species involved. Let’s go to breeding process. Normally you can have a male and a female out of a species and the result will be the same no matter who is male and who is female. But in this case it’s different! If you breed a male Blood Red Parrot cichlid with a female Texas cichlid you will have no result because the eggs will not get fertilised. The only way to get a Red Texas grade AAA is to breed a male Texas cichlid to a female Blood Red Parrot cichlid. Then you will get great results. Have no other fish in the tank other then these two fish. And have the tank temperature at 28 degrees Celsius or 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Good luck!


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