Finally the result of my x-ray came through.

It shows that my spleen is fine. So that’s good news. But then the doctor dropped their findings. I’m sorry Patrick but it’s your heart. All your coronary arteries are clogged up and what you experiencing is angina pectoris. That’s why your in pain. So I’m off to the cardiology as soon as they call me for a space available. Sweden hospitals are lethal places. Think that the sent me home both on August 8th and the 9th and said, “the pain will go away on its own, it’s just gases”?!! And it’s my heart! How dare they say such things when the actually don’t know the cause of a patients pains?! I will repot them and I want for suffering in a whole month for no reason because they didn’t do their job! I just hope I make it alive out of this!

Thank you for all your support and you likes!


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