My favorite African species of Tetras from the Congo river.

Alestopetersius brichardi:

The Cherry Red Congo Tetra.

It lives in the middle of the Congo river. It reaches a maximum length of 7.9 cm.

This species is my favourite of the bunch!

Alestopetersius smykalai is Synonym Hemigrammopetersius:

This species appears to be restricted to the Imo and Niger drainages in Nigeria but the full extent of its distribution is unclear. It has been spotted in the Congo river, that’s why it made it to the list. It reaches a maximum length of 6 cm.

Alestopetersius smykalai is a peaceful schooling fish and an excellent fish for the community aquarium with other peaceful species. The aquarium should be densely planted on the sides and the background. In the middle, you should leave a lot of free swimming space. Since Alestopetersius smykalai are great jumpers the aquarium must be well covered. To show off the colours best use some floating plants.

Bathyaethiops breuseghemi:

The Rectangular Spot Moon Tetra appears in the middle of the Congo river. It reaches a maximum length of 7 cm.

Brachypetersius altus:

The Serpae Tetra is native to the Congo river and reach a total length of 6.5cm. This is a beauty!

Phenacogrammus aurantiacus:

This species inhabits the middle and upper parts of the Congo river. It’s found in the Kouilou basin in Republic of the Congo and the Ogooué basin which lies in both Gaboon and in Republic of the Congo. It reaches a length of 10 cm.

Phenacogrammus hilgendorfi:

The Yellow-tailed Congo Tetra.

This is my second favourite of the Congo Tetras.

It appears in Pool Malebo and central Congo River basin in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of Congo, including the middle Congo River, Lukenie, lakes Mai Ndombe and Tumba, Ruki drainage, Likouala-aux-Herbes and lower Lomami. Reports from the Ogowe and coastal basins in Republic of Congo. It reaches a total length of 6 cm.

Phenacogrammus interruptus:

The Congo Tetra. The most common in the trade.

It inhibits the central Congo river basin and reach a total length of 6 cm.

Ideally an African biotope tank with driftwood branches, floating vegetation and anubias. However they will show their best colours in any well-planted setup with plenty of swimming space. Water should be on the acidic side of neutral and soft with good circulation. This applies for all of the above species of tetras.

I hope you enjoyed this, very long overdue, blog post. I’m feeling a little bit better and I’ve gained some strength so I was able to do this blog today. Thank you again, so very much, for your support and your kindness!


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