How about a RARE South American Predatory Tank!

This tank setup should be at least 648 liters or 180 gallons, size 180x60x60cm or 6ft*2ft*2ft.

Astronotus carssipinnis grows to 25cm (10inches). It’s known as the Apaiari, Zebra Oscar or Bumblebee Oscar. It’s a more RARE species then it’s relative, the Tiger or Peacock Oscar. It should be kept as a pair or with four to six individuals in order to achieve their normal wild behaviour. In this setup I’ve decided to have four individuals.

It inhabits Rio Guaporé near Matogrosso, Rio Negro, Rio Branco, Bolivian Amazon’s and Madre de Dios rural areas in Peru and Rio Paraguays rural areas in Paraguay and Brazil.

Crenicichla rosemariae, the Rosmariae Pike Cichlid will grow 25-to 30cm (10-12inches). Its an aggressive species to be considered when you choose which species to have in the communal.

This species inhabitant’s are in Rio Xingú, and parts of the Amazon river in Brazil. Its the holy grail of pikes. And very RARE in the trade. If it is available, it’s very expensive. In this setup I would have a single pair.

Erythrinus erythrinus ”Peru Red Wolf Tetra” 25cm (10inches). This is a RARE and a beautiful fish with cool and interesting behaviour to watch. Specially when it hunts. By chance, researchers have discovered that in French Guiana some of the young Erythrinus erythrinus have a very special hunting method. The young mimic in shape and colour of the females of the Rivulus agilae species. By imitating the females, the young animals attract the male Rivulus. When they get closer, they are eaten by the young Red Wolf Fish. When the Red Wolf Fish get a bit older, they drop this hunting method. Enjoy this interesting species! I would have a single pair in this setup. But do be careful. If the tank is too small they could end up fighting to the death if your not watchful. So, pay close attention when you put a pair in the same tank. It might be a good idea, if you’re looking to breed this species, to keep one alone in a separate tank. They lay around still a lot waiting for prey to swim along, so they don’t need a large tank. An aquarium that’s 1-1,2m (40inch-3ft) long is enough, or about 250-300liters (65-84gl).

Its inhabitant’s are Peru, French Guiana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago and Brazil.


Hydrolycus scomberoides, the Vampire Tetra, Sabertooth Barracuda or the Payara, 25-30cm (10-12inches) It’s a surprisingly Peaceful fish towards other species in the aquarium. This is also a RARE species and not often seen in the trade. It’s should be kept solo or with three individuals. They can be in a school of more. In this setup I would have three individuals.

Type locality are in the central and upper Amazon River system in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, with the Rio Tapajós in Brazil.

Liosomadorsa oncinus “Jaguar Catfish” 25cm Peaceful towards other fish in the communal tank. But anything that fits their mouth will be eaten at night. It’s my all time favourite catfish and it’s GORGEOUS! A RARE species in the trade.

It’s inhabitant’s are Amazon, Rio Negro, Colombia, Branco River, Brazil. Should be kept alone or with three individuals. I would have three fishes in this tank.

Panaque cochliodon “Blue-eyed Pleco” it’s a bit smaller then it’s sibling in Venezuela and grows to 35-40cm (14-16inches). A very RARE species in the trade and expensive.

It Inhabitant’s are Rio Caguan, Rio Magdalena, Colombia, Amazon Basin, middle Amazon, Solimoes. Should be kept in pairs or alone. In this tank I would have a pair.

I hope you enjoyed this RARE predatory setup.


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